Dermaplane session

focuses on exfoliating the top layers of the skin. It’s designed to provide several aesthetic benefits by using a specific technique. Here’s a detailed overview of dermaplaning:

  1. Procedure Technique: Dermaplaning involves the use of a sterile surgical scalpel. The practitioner carefully scrapes the surface of the skin with the scalpel at a 45-degree angle. This process removes the topmost layer of skin, consisting of dead skin cells, scar tissue, and other debris.
  2. Targets Fine Wrinkles: By removing the outer layer of skin, dermaplaning can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can help in revealing a smoother, more youthful skin surface.
  3. Reduces Acne Scarring: For those with acne scars, especially shallow scars, dermaplaning can be beneficial. It helps in leveling out the skin surface, making deep scars less noticeable.
  4. Smooth Skin Surface: One of the immediate benefits noticed after dermaplaning is a smoother skin texture. The removal of dead skin cells and fine facial hair (often referred to as ‘peach fuzz’) leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth.
  5. Enhances Skincare Absorption: Post dermaplaning, skin treatments and skincare products can penetrate more deeply and effectively, as the barrier of dead skin cells has been removed.
  6. Non-Invasive with Minimal Downtime: The procedure is non-invasive with no required recovery time. Some individuals may experience slight redness or sensitivity immediately after the treatment, but this typically subsides quickly.
  7. Instant Results: Dermaplaning offers immediate results in terms of smoother and brighter skin. However, like many cosmetic treatments, maintenance sessions are recommended for long-term results.
  8. Suitable for Most Skin Types: It is generally safe for most skin types, especially those with a dry or rough skin texture. It’s less suitable for those with highly reactive, sensitive skin or active acne.

Call L’essence Beauty & Spa today at (469) 412-1096 to schedule

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